National Weighing & Instruments have just installed a Multi-Station Weighing System at a meat processing plant, the stations are Receiving, Labelling, Bulk Bin Weighing and Full carcass despatch.
The full Weighing & Stock Control System uses four (4) Bilanciai DIADE Programmable Touch Screen Terminals, 2 Label Printers, 1 Barcode scanner and a Computer linking all Terminals to a System Administrator.
The DIADE touch screen terminals are programmed in accordance with the meat processing plants needs and the user-friendly terminals are programmed with easy to use software.
All meat carcasses are Weighed and Counted, using an Overhead Track scale (OHT) upon delivery to the processing plant. The meat is then processed, some sold as whole carcasses (again weighed and counted using another OHT) and the rest of the meat is sectioned, weighed, labeled and packaged. The system weighs the sectioned cuts and prints labels including a barcode.
A larger weighing scale station weighs and prints labels of the bulk and larger meat sections, it is also used to weigh and keep track of the waste product bins.
The barcode scanner is used at the large weighing station for scanning meat to be dispatched and stock control, the labels printed earlier include meat cut, weight, date packed and a barcode of the product.
The System Administrator’s computer at the meat processing plant can, with the use of the DIADE Touch Screen Weighing Terminals, keep track of all the meat and type of cuts in a processing plant.
All the databases from the DIADE terminals can be accessed by the administrator to keep track of stock and where the stock is located within the processing plant.
Each Weighing Station DIADE Terminal display can be viewed and accessed from the remote computer in the System Administrators office to view production and access databases.
All reports from receiving and dispatching of meat, stock on hand and waste stock can be printed from the administrator’s computer with a true yield reporting capabilities and invoice.